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  3. International Office
  4. International Teaching and Research

International Teaching and Research

For teaching staff and researchers, it is possible both to go abroad as an employee of FH Erfurt or to come to work at our univeristy from a higher education institution abroad. Spending a period of time abroad is an opportunity for you to learn about other cultures and academic and educational systems while engaging in international exchange. This is not only valuable for your professional career, but also for your personal development.

On this website, you will find information on funding schemes and people to contact if you are interested in spending time abroad for teaching or research purposes. You can find a list of all partner universities of FH Erfurt here.

International Office

Kevin Rausch +49 361 6700 7061international@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 1.E.03

Teacher mobility with ERASMUS+

There are numerous opportunities for teaching staff to participate in exchange activities with international higher education institutions. For example, you can interact with international colleagues as a guest lecturer, arrange individual guest lectures, jointly supervise dissertations or participate in international research projects. Funding is available not only for tenured professors, but also for lecturers, young academics with teaching posts (junior lecturers) and emeritus professors.

For information on DAAD and ERASMUS+ funding options, please contact the International Office:

The DAAD scholarship database provides an overview of funding opportunities currently available.