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  4. Professorial appointment procedures

Professorial appointment procedures

Reference: F6
Title: Professor of Forest Growth Science and Forest Management
Status: 1

Reference: GI6
Title: Professor of Heat Supply and Cooling Technology
Status: 7

Reference: GI7
Title: Professor of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems Engineering
Status: 4

Reference: GTI1
Title: Professor of Digital Humanities - Hybrid Education and Communicative Spaces
Status: 6

Reference: S50
Title: Professor of Social Science of Sustainability in National and International Contexts
Status: 6

Reference: W37
Title: Professor of Business Information Technology
Status: 6

Reference: W38
Title: Professor of General Business Administration, specializing in Corporate Management and Business Start-ups
Status: 4


1. Tender:
The vacancy is currently being advertised.

2. Selection of candidates:
The application deadline has passed. The applications are being reviewed and preparations are being made to invite suitable candidates to the trial lecture and interviews.

3. Personal introductions:
Invitations have been sent out, and the corresponding trial lectures and interviews are being held.

4. Development of an appointment proposal:
After the candidates have had the opportunity to introduce themselves, expert appraisals are obtained and an appointment proposal is drawn up.

5. Committee stage:
The appointment proposal is discussed and approved by the relevant committees.

6. Offer:
The suitable candidate receives an offer of a professorial appointment.

7. Acceptance:
Following discussions with the university executive board, the professorship has been accepted.


Katrin Schröter

+49 361 6700-7302personal@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße | 7.2.20