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International Projects and Initiatives

A foreign country, a different culture, a strange language – it’s not always easy when you arrive in a new place. To help you settle in at the university and in Erfurt, there are several projects aimed specifically at international students that provide advice and support - and also happen to be great fun!


International Office

Kevin Rausch +49 361 6700 7061international@fh-erfurt.de Altonaer Straße 25 | 1.E.03

These initiatives aim to promote internationalization at our university, including helping international students to settle in at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and in the city of Erfurt.

  • Residents of Erfurt are partnered with international students, and joint events strengthen the international network in our state capital.

  • One evening a month, Erfurt locals meet up with international residents for relaxed conversation in a café.

  • This project, run by Thuringian Student Services, arranges weekly meetings for international students from the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and the University of Erfurt. The program includes themed evenings on the students' home countries, discussion groups and a variety of cultural events.

    Café International on Facebook

  • International students visit schools in Erfurt to talk about their home countries, broaden the pupils’ horizons and promote intercultural education.

    Springboard to Learning website

  • Funded by the DAAD, the Language Café has been running since autumn 2015 with the aim of helping refugees integrate into university life. 

    Sprachcafé on Facebook

  • The main aim of the project "FHE goes international", which ran from 2022 to 2023, was to encourage the implementation of internationalization activities at our university. Besides producing bilingual information material, the team also provided a wide variety of events for students and academic and administrative staff.

    For more information, visit the project website.

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International Student Admissions

We wholeheartedly welcome international students to our campus. Check out all the important information you need for your application here.

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