Language Course FAQs
We offer English courses from level A2 upwards.
Yes, they do. For more information, please visit:
German as a Foreign Language - University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (fh-erfurt.de)
It is not possible to take standardized examinations at the Language Centre.
Please contact the respective test centres, e.g.
The Language Centre doesn't offer such prep courses. If you are interested in taking one of these tests, please contact the test centres directly.
Students at FH Erfurt, students at all other Thuringian universities and occasional students ("Gasthörer").
You can register on Moodle at the beginning of every semester.
Students of FH Erfurt and all Thuringian universities can attend for free. Occasional students pay a fee of 100 euros in accordance with the fee schedule at FH Erfurt. People with refugee status can attend language courses free of charge.
Your language level is determined by means of a placement test. You then attend an appropriate course based on the language level you achieved in the placement test.
All language courses that are not part of your compulsory curriculum can be accepted as electives. The courses generally comprise 2 teaching hours per week, with 2 CPs awarded if you pass the exam. If you attend at least 75% of the course and do not take or pass the exam, you will only receive a certificate of attendance. Students of the University of Erfurt receive 3 credit points on the condition that they pass an extra assignment.
The compulsory and optional English language courses usually begin in the 2nd week of the lecture period at the latest. For the optional language courses, registration takes place on Moodle before the lecture period starts. This registration is not binding. In the first week of lectures you will be asked to participate in a survey to find a suitable date and time for the course. You will be informed via Moodle as soon as the course times have been finalized.
Most language courses take place in the language labs in the Language Centre ( Altonaer Straße campus, building 2, 1st floor). Due to limited capacity, some of the courses may also be held in seminar rooms at the FH. You can find the room numbers for your courses on Moodle.
In such cases, students should contact a member of staff at the Language Centre. All further details will then be clarified after submission of a medical certificate or report.
Yes, you do: Students have to register for compulsory courses on MeinFHEcampus during the exam registration period; for optional courses, students have to register directly with their language teacher by week 10 of the lecture period.
Exams can usually be retaken in the subsequent examination period or in accordance with your department's exam regulations. In addition to registering for compulsory retakes on MeinFHEcampus students must also notify the Language Centre directly that they wish to sit a retake exam. You can do this up to one week before the end of the lecture period.
Students who have taken compulsory language courses will see their grades online; students who have taken optional courses will receive their grades directly from the lecturer. The results will be announced well in advance of the start of the following semester.
Certificates are not automatically issued for compulsory courses, as the results are recorded online on MeinFHEcampus. If required (e.g. as proof of your language level), students can request a certificate. For optional courses, the Language Centre will issue a certificate if you wish to have the credits for these courses recognized as cross-disciplinary skills.
In the case of all modules involving online exam registration, your grades will also be recorded online. In all other cases, the Language Centre will pass on your grades to the Exams Office.
Students can take a placement test at the Language Centre to indicate their language proficiency level. However, this is not an officially recognized certificate of language proficiency.
Yes, if they were acquired at other higher education institutions/universities but were not already used for a degree program in which you graduated. The Language Centre will recognize the credits if they are equivalent in content and scope to the course they are required to take and receive a grade for at FH Erfurt. Therefore, you are required to present corresponding proof. An Abitur grade in the language in question will not be recognized.
The regulations regarding course materials depend on the course you are taking. We offer:
- courses using set textbooks
- courses with materials available on the e-learning platform MOODLE
- courses with printed scripts
- courses with materials provided by the lecturer
You will receive more detailed information at the start of the course.