In addition to Katalog+, we also offer specialist databases and portals for searching for literature and research studies. It includes books, e-books and journal articles. The spectrum of subjects ranges from Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning to Social Work, Early Childhood Education, the Transport Sector, Sustainability, Forestry, Landscape Architecture, Building Services Engineering and much more.
In addition, we provide information on accessing e-books and e-journals from off campus. eduVPN is a particularly good tool for this purpose.
Academic work is our main focus.
Getting started
In Katalog+, you will find a large part of our electronic and printed library holdings under "search FHE".
For further search options, see "Databases".
Databases and specialist portals
In addition to searching through our catalogues, you can also use various databases and specialist portals to research subjects relating to people, space, nature and technology. A database is an electronic compilation of information and data in which publications are available as references or full texts.
For technical and licensing reasons, we are unable to integrate all of the electronic media for which we hold licences into our catalogues. Therefore, in addition to searching in the catalogue, we also recommend additional research in databases and specialist portals.
- Education: Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft online (EEO)
- Psychology, Law, Economics and Social Sciences: Wiso
- Law, Economics: Beck-online
- Social Studies: Web of Science
- Statistical data: Statista
- Specialist portal for Childhood Education
- Specialist portal for Life Sciences
- Specialist portal for Psychology
- Specialist portal for Sociology
- Specialist portal NifBE (Lower Saxony Institute for Early Childhood Education)
- Pedocs: tudies in Educational Sciences
- Law, Economics: Beck-online
- Economics: Wiso
- Tax and Commercial Law: NWB MAX
- Law, Economics: WPH Edition online - IDW Verlag
- Law, Economics: Juris - Das Rechtsportal
- Specialist portal for Economics
- Natural Sciences: Web of Science
- Chemistry: Römpp-Online
- Horticulture: Deutsche Gartenbaubibliothek | Gartentexte digital
- Garden culture, 20th century open space development: garden-cult
- Meteorology: Kostra-DWD 2010
- Open Agrar (Environmental Sciences)
- Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
- Federal Environment Agency
- Civil Engineering: Bautechnik digital
- Civil Engineering: Construction charts for engineers (Schneider Bautabellen)
- Civil Engineering: BGL List of construction equipment 2020
- Gas and Water Supply: DVGW regulations
- Building Services Engineering: VDE guidelines
- Computer Science, Electrical Engineering Metrology and Control Engineering: ACM digital library
- Normen (DIN, DWA, VDI): Nautos (Nachfolger der Perinorm)
- SAP software: Digital SAP library
- Roads and transport: FGSV technical regulations
- Technology: Wiso
- Specialist library for technology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics: TIB Hannover
Discover a variety of research tools
While carrying out your research, you can find specialist information on your chosen subject and check whether it is relevant.
Information is identified by bibliographical details such as title, author, publisher, etc., all of which are necessary to provide an unambiguous and unmistakeable description.
With this information, you can easily create your own bibliographies and source lists as well as short references for quotations. Literature management programs such as Citavi or EndNote or the bookmark function in library catalogues, subject databases or subject portals can be helpful tools for this purpose.
For your research, we have selected trustworthy academic directories and databases that give you access to a wide range of knowledge - even beyond the borders of our library and Erfurt.
Our catalogues
Katalog+ lists the entire holdings of our university library in Erfurt, including where they are located and information on borrowing and downloading items. The catalogue also displays a wide range of individual chapters or essays. It is also possible to carry out a detailed search of the Erfurt library networks and GVKplus.
OPAC lists the entire media holdings of our university library including where they are located and information on borrowing and downloading items. OPAC complements effective search strategies in Katalog+ with additional search options.
Nationwide catalogues
The Common Union Catalogue (GVK) is a library network system that links our university library with other academic libraries in Thuringia and ten further federal states.
The holdings records of all publications in the participating libraries are brought together in a common catalogue and constantly updated. It provides added value by enabling users to explore the media holdings beyond our region.
It is even possible to borrow media from libraries within the network via interlibrary loan.
In order to do research or to order items for loan, you need to obtain an interlibrary loan account from our service desk.
Concurrent searches of the holdings are possible.
We recommend you search for journal articles using Online Contents (OLC). Here you will find articles from selected electronic and print periodicals from central specialist libraries.
OLC thus expands the holdings of our university library to include journal articles that are not systematically recorded in Katalog+. Our holdings are integrated into the search and recognizable as such.
If a search is carried out in the FH campus network or through external access via WebVPN or Shibboleth, it is possible to access those full texts for which download rights exist. This is indicated by a green and yellow button.
Journal articles not held by the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt can be ordered directly from the OLC via interlibrary loan.
The KVK simultaneously searches the holdings of a considerable number of domestic and foreign libraries. At the same time, open access platforms and trade catalogues can be included in the search. This makes it possible to access numerous freely available documents on Base or Google Books and to integrate popular search options such as Amazon or Booklooker into the search.
Its particular advantage is its wide range of search options and the associated comprehensive overview of printed and electronic media for your search query. -
The ZDB lists the newspaper and periodical holdings of libraries in Germany and Austria.
The Electronic Journals Library (EZB) is a service for the effective use of academic full-text journals on the Internet. It offers fast, structured and standardized access to full-text academic journals. Further information can be found on the EZB website.