Business, Logistics & Transport International
Welcome to the international website of the Faculty of Business, Logistics and Transport at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt (FH Erfurt)! Thanks to numerous contacts with universities, the Faculty of Business, Logistics and Transport has networks all over the world. We aim to intensify these relationships and foster student exchange.
Gain experience abroad - add value to your degree
International applicants who fulfil the official, subject-specific and language requirements can come to the Faculty of Business, Logistics and Transport at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt as exchange students, for a short stay while writing their thesis, or full-time.
Gaining experience abroad can be a defining experience during your time at university and for your further professional development. Students can study abroad for a semester or do a work placement in another country. You can also experience an international atmosphere during field trips abroad and even on campus, e.g. at the annual "International Summer School" held at the University of Applied Sciences.
Current Projects
UTC Hanoi - Prof. Dr. Michael Lehmann
At present, Prof. Dr. Michael Lehmann (1st row, 2nd from left) is giving us an insight into his time spent researching in Hanoi. Today's lecture "Freight Transportation and Logistics" was held in front of about 70 students in the 3rd year at UTC - University of Transport and Communications Hanoi. Dr Le Thu Huyen (2nd row, 2nd right from Prof. Dr Lehmann) teaches in the Transportation Planning department of UTC, where the course is held. Dr Le is our technical and administrative contact for this exchange, which also includes two research workshops at UTC and UTT - University of Transport Technology. These take place on 9.9.2022 – UTT - LOGISTICS INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES - INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES FROM GERMANY and 16.9.2022 – UTC - High-speed Railway - German/European experience for the planned high-speed line HaNoi - Saigon.
Discussions will also be held on potential student and lecturer exchanges and the suitability of selected study programs in terms of their subject matter and language requirements.
For more information: Prof. Dr. Michael Lehmann
IULI, Indonesia - Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Gröger
In June, the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt signed a cooperation agreement with the International University Liaison Indonesia (IULI). This cooperation agreement envisages reciprocal exchange in the areas of teaching, studying and research. Specifically, the cooperation enables IULI students who successfully complete a two-semester period of study in Business Administration to obtain a Bachelor's degree from the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt. MThis is possible by means of a module crediting scheme. For our university, this is a very important step in the process of internationalization.
Group photo from left to right: Prof. Kern, Dr. Rost, Prof. Setzer, Prof. Gröger, Prof. Scharff
For more information: Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Gröger
International Partner Universities
Find out more about our faculty's extensive national and international partnerships.
- St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
ERASMUS agreement
- St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
- Tongji University Shanghai, School of Economics and Management
Inter-institutional agreement - Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou
Inter-institutional agreement
- Tongji University Shanghai, School of Economics and Management
- Business Academy Southwest Esbjerg
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- Business Academy Southwest Esbjerg
- University of Cergy-Pontoise
ERASMUS agreement
- University of Cergy-Pontoise
- Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Type of cooperation: Inter-institutional agreement
- Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
- Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Type of cooperation: Inter-institutional agreement - Sahid University Jakarta
Type of cooperation: Inter-institutional agreement
- Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
- German Jordan University
Type of cooperation: Inter-institutional agreement
- German Jordan University
- Riga Technical University
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- Riga Technical University
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement, inter-institutional agreement
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- AVANS Hogeschool
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- AVANS Hogeschool
- Institute of Business Management Karachi
Type of cooperation: inter-institutional agreement
- Institute of Business Management Karachi
- University of Finance and Administration Prague
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement - Institute of Technology and Business, Ceske Budejovice
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- University of Finance and Administration Prague
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Calisa University
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- Cracow University of Economics
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- Calisa University
- Omsk State Transport University
Type of cooperation: inter-institutional agreement
- Omsk State Transport University
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Nordwestschweiz, Basel
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement - ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Nordwestschweiz, Basel
- University of Economics in Bratislava
ERASMUS agreement
- University of Economics in Bratislava
- GEA College of Entrepreneurship
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- GEA College of Entrepreneurship
- Yasar University Izmir
Type of cooperation: ERASMUS agreement
- Yasar University Izmir
- Lakeland College
Art der Kooperation: Rektorvertrag - Midwestern State University
Art der Kooperation: Rektorvertrag - University of Arkansas
Art der Kooperation: Rektorvertrag
- Lakeland College
- Mariupol State University
Type of cooperation: inter-institutional agreement
- Mariupol State University