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FHE goes international

The project "FHE goes international" began its work in April 2022. Its primary objective is to actively promote the implementation of initiatives that encourage internationalization at our university. It is funded by the DAAD program HAW.international (module A) until 31.12.2023. In the meantime, a lot of work lies ahead - but also a lot of exciting developments. Here are just a few of the project goals that we intend to achieve through a series of targeted activities:

  • creating a welcoming culture that is open, inclusive, and supportive of international students, visiting lecturers and staff
  • increasing the visibility of our university by providing information in both English and German and supporting our academic staff so that they can confidently present themselves in English-speaking situations (e.g. at conferences or in lectures)
  • promoting and supporting stays abroad for students, lecturers and staff at FHE
  • strengthening international cooperation with partner universities, e.g. by sponsoring online guest lectures
  • developing information material in both English and German for a variety of audiences

In addition to university-wide measures, another feature of the program is a model project integrated into the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences. The model project is designed to strengthen existing university cooperations and actively promote Erasmus+. Ultimately, it aims to transparently map the best practice lessons acquired in the course of the project and transfer them to other faculties.

If you are interested in our project or have any queries, please feel free to contact our team.

Project Details

Duration of funding: 01.04.2022 - 31.12.2023
Aim: Internationalization of FH Erfurt
DAAD program: HAW.international, Module A
Project: FHE goes international

Cultural Sensitivity

  • On 16 and 17 November, from 9:00 to 4:30 pm, a two-day workshop on "Cultural Sensitivity" will be held for administrative staff. As long as this is still possible, the workshop shall take place in person on site. If you are interested in one of the remaining places in the workshop, please contact the project coordinator.

  • On Friday, 2 December 2022, there will be a workshop on cultural sensitivity for professors and research staff from 9am to 1pm. As long as it is still possible, the workshop shall take place in person at the Altonaer Straße campus.

    To register, please email jasna.becker@fh-erfurt.de.

English Training

  • The program consists of six individual workshops on Fridays from 9-12am, which can be attended independently of each other and deal with issues surrounding academic writing in English. Parts I and II of each topic focus on different issues and can be attended in combination or individually. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

    The workshops are being held in cooperation with the Language Centre of FH Erfurt, taught by Christof Noseleit on site at the Altonaer Straße campus.

    Please register using Moodle. For access details and further information, please contact Christof Noseleit (noseleit@fh-erfurt.de).


    Dates and Topics:

    28.10.2022 I Register and Style I

    04.11.2022 I Register and Style II

    02.12.2022 I Text Structure - Coherence and Cohesion I

    13.01.2023 I Text Structure - Coherence and Cohesion II

    20.01.2023 I Grammar in Scientific Texts I

    27.01.2023 I Grammar in Scientific Texts II

    Register and Style: Just as there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to talk with people depending on the situation, so are there appropriate words and expressions to use when writing an academic piece of work. We will look at some of those more appropriate academic styles.

    Text Structure: Scientific texts are organised into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You will learn how to make sure that all three parts work together to explain the topic clearly.

    Grammar: These workshops provide a selective overview of the key areas of English grammar that you need to master in order to express yourself correctly and appropriately in academic writing. Those areas include the basic distinctions of meaning in the verb tense system, paraphrasing, emphasis in a sentence, the passive voice and the correct use of gerund and infinitive.

  • One-to-one language coaching is available to all lecturers and research staff and is designed as preparation for international conferences or teaching in English. If you are interested, please contact the project coordinator.

  • English courses for administrative staff will be offered from Winter Semester 22/23. The first course runs from calendar weeks 41-50 on site at the main Altonaer Straße campus and will be taught by the Language Centre of FH Erfurt.


  • When: 25 November 2022, 10-11.30 am
    Where: Altonaer Straße campus, room 7.2.15
    or online via Webex

    Are you interested in going abroad for a language course, to teach or to meet international colleagues? At this event, you will find out about the options open to FHE employees and what particular international activities are sponsored by Erasmus+.

  • When: Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 2 - 4 pm
    Where: Altonaer Straße campus, room 6.1.19

    Building and maintaining international cooperation across universities is not something that happens by itself. Committed staff members of FH Erfurt have already invested a great deal of time in cultivating contacts and setting up exchange agreements. Networking with other countries is elementary for research and teaching in order to make further progress and stay up to date. How do we intend to go about international cooperation in the future? Who can cooperate with whom and who ensures that the "alliances" are maintained? We would like to discuss this and much more with you and our two experts Ute Straub from the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt and Anne Hanik from the University of Augsburg.

  • Would you like to invite a colleague from overseas to give an online lecture in your course? You can apply for funding through our project, which provides up to €80/teaching hour for the lecturer(s). Please contact our project coordinator.

    ** This offer stands for 2022 and 2023 **