FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find brief answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If you can't find what you're looking for here, please check the information provided on the website for the respective service or app.
If your question still isn't answered, then please contact your departmental administrator or the Service Desk.
List of frequently asked questions
- Are you on campus?
- Come to our Service Desk with a valid ID card (or equivalent)
- Not on campus?
- Request a new password from the Service Desk and you will receive it by (letter) post to the address we have on file
- Do you still know your initial password?
- Contact Service Desk and ask them to restore your initial password
- Are you on campus?
- Some services (e.g. Microsoft Office) can only be used once you have started studying or have signed an employment contract.
In the user portal you can see whether you have authorization for your primary role and when the start date is.
- Some services (e.g. Microsoft Office) can only be used once you have started studying or have signed an employment contract.
- Select the Wi-Fi SSID "eduroam"
- Enter your university account and add "@fh-erfurt.de“
e.g. ab1234cd@fh-erfurt.de - Enter your password and connect
- Accept certificate (radius...) if applicable
- To check, select the "internal certificate store"
- Enter the domain: "fh-erfurt.de“
- Leave the anonymous registration box blank
- Students:
- Via the web: https://fhemail.fh-erfurt.de/
- App/program
- IMAP: imap.fh-erfurt.de (port:993, security:SSL)
- SMTP: smtp.fh-erfurt.de (port:587, security:STARTTLS)
- Login: university account
- Staff:
- Via the web: https://group.fh-erfurt.de
- App/program must support Exchange
- enter the email address for your university account
- enter the password of your university account
- Domain\user name: fhe\university account
Apple-Mail: Hochschulaccount@fhe - if applicable, specify the server: group.fh-erfurt.de
- Students:
Error message: The account has not been set up on this device because device management could not be activated.
Cause: When logging on to Office 365 with your university account, you accepted Microsoft's suggestion to not only log on to the program, but to log on everywhere.
Solution: In Windows, go to Settings - Accounts - Email and Accounts - log out of your university account, restart it and only log in to Office.
Opening Hours
Mondays - Thursdays:
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1 - 3 p.m.
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Outside our opening hours you can reach us by email at: 333@fh-erfurt.de