WiFi "eduroam"
Once you have registered, the "eduroam" (education roaming) provides wireless access to the FH network and the internet. It is available at the Altonaer Straße, Schlüterstraße and Leipziger Straße campuses.
This service can be used by members of FH Erfurt and those of other educational institutions participating in the eduroam project .
Within the eduroam project, these functions can be used at participating academic institutions throughout Europe and will continue to be expanded internationally.
Authentication is required to use eduroam WiFi.
User name: Hochschul-Account@fh-erfurt.de
This is NOT your email address! (Please note: don't use a space after your user name!)
Password: ********
Extended settings (if necessary):
Authentification standard: WPA2 (Enterprise)
Authentification method: MSCHAPv
Encryption: AES
Check certificates: use system certificates
Domain: fh-erfurt.deAnonymous login: leave blank (default for Android 14)
If necessary, you must first accept the certificate (at FH Erfurt: radius10.fh-erfurt.de) the first time you attempt to connect in order for the connection to be successful.
The context @fh-erfurt.de is used to recognize the insitution. This enables registration and use at all universities that provide eduroam WiFi.
Guests from other institutions in the "eduroam" network must use their account and the domain of their home institution as their user name. useraccount@homedomain.de
If you are experiencing problems with the setup, please check whether an "eduroam" profile already exists on your end device and delete it.
- Mac: Settings-> Profile
- i-Phone: VPN profile