Finding and evaluating information are key skills that are important at school, at university and at work. We are able to help you prepare and conduct academic literature research, e.g. for seminar papers or theses. Our training courses are taught both on-site and online. We hold sessions on a variety of topics and it is possible to combine them with each other.
We are also happy to arrange appointments for individuals or small groups.
Finding, filtering and using information are key skills you need for your studies and also for your job and everyday life. We offer training courses with the aim of strengthening and promoting your research and information skills.
Our training concept is divided up into different modules. This allows you to acquire academic skills in a concentrated manner and at a time that suits you.
For each course, you can find is a short description and a handout. Our tutorials aim to provide additional support
We offer our courses on site or via Webex. On request, they can also be integrated into your (online) classes.
We hold courses on the following topics:
You will learn how to use the library properly and effectively for your own specific queries and concerns..
Our focus is on the university library and its services, how to register, where to find media, where to read and work and what technology is available.
You will learn about the functions of your library account.
Using Katalog+, you can identify the available media holdings on site and how to access them. You will learn how to achieve effective research results with the right search techniques. -
Literature databases identify relevant and academically verified publications according to subject matter without regard to library holdings. All forms of publication are taken into account.
While searching in databases, you will gain an overview of publications that fit your topic. You will learn about the database systems of the university library that are suitable for you and carry out practical searches in them.
You can borrow research-related media from libraries beyond the holdings of the Erfurt libraries.
The focus here is on how to register and borrow items, how to use the search systems and the actual ordering process.
Can I quote from the Süddeutsche Zeitung? What criteria distinguish an academically reliable and citable sources?
Using a series of checklists, we provide you with a survival kit for your journey through the jungle of specialist information.
The Citavi literature management tool makes it easier for you to write an academic paper. You can consistently keep your literature studies and writing work separate. Citavi provides you with a central repository for literature, quotations and notes. Based on this information, you can create your bibliography and the citation references uniformly with a single mouse click, in line with the citation style you have set.
Depending on what you are interested in, you will be introduced to the program or get to know the system in practical steps on your own device.
EndNote is an English-language literature management program that can be used on both Mac and Windows computers.
EndNnote makes it easier for you to write an academic paper while keeping your literature research and your writing separate.
EndNote provides you with a central repository for literature, quotations and notes. Based on this information, you can create your bibliography and the citation references uniformly with a single mouse click, in line with the citation style you have set.
Depending on what you are interested in, you will be introduced to the program or get to know the system in practical steps on your own device.
You can only download the program from within the FH campus. Notes on installation can be found on the following website: Ständigen Arbeitsgruppe Software (SAGS).
Please note: A few of these tutorials are currently only available in German
Search for print media in Katalog+
Search for and download eBooks in Katalog+
Thematic analysis – set search terms
External access to e-media via Shibboleth
External access to e-media via Web-VPN
School students from year 9 upwards
Spend a morning in the university library: browse and discuss a specialist subject, get a taste of university life, boost your understanding of media.
Writing term papers, specialist assignments and practical reports, preparing presentations and designing posters are all good ways of introducing pupils from different types of school to the diverse world of library learning. We can also provide specialist literature on specific teaching issues relating to humankind, nature, space and technology. Our range of fundamental literature and practical publications are ideal for getting started with academic work.
In 60 to 90-minute sessions, we can provide students with the following support tailored to their specific needs
- researching literature
- how to deal with freely available internet sources, fake news and artificial intelligence when conducting research
- fundamental rules of citation
- literature management
To borrow printed books, please register with the university library. This is possible for young people aged 14 and over with a parental consent form. There is a one-off charge of €10 for the Thoska library card, payable by debit card.
When it comes to finding topics and specialist support for senior projects at Thuringian grammar schools, you can use the "Seminarfachportal".
A visit to our library can also be combined with a session in our schools research lab or a taster course in one of our faculties.
Checking for plagiarism
The University of Applied Sciences Erfurt provides the software Ouriginal as a platform for teaching staff and students to automatically check documents for plagiarism.
For more information on how it works, how you can use it and how to register, please visit our dedicated website.